Campaign the first, update three

The sessions in and the party are making good progress! The latest session featured the campaigns first festival: the day of arrangement, where the citizens of Atlantis collect the remains of loved ones that had been returned to the eco system and arrange them into sculptures in the mausoleum. It’s the session I’d prepared the most for in terms of script which I was grateful for, although there was still plenty of ad-libbing involved.

I’m very happy that the party were able to interact with the ghost grieving over their father’s remains – most of them at least! To start with only 2 players could see it (Qa’lin, fey/feyself) by rolling a 15 perception, but once they called attention to it another 2 could see with a lower roll of 12, which left two characters baffled by the rest of them having a conversation with empty water. They really got into the mystery and were chasing it up a lot faster than I thought they would – lesson learned for the second time, if I initiate a mystery I better have all the answers lined up in advance.

They successfully found the item they were looking for in the mausoleum, I introduced a new mechanic for this where I divided it into sections (70 to start off with because it’s huge and I thought 10mt squared sections were big enough, then realised I needed to shave it right down to 20 sections 20mt square) and they had to roll a 15 with luck and perception modifiers.

They found the item and came back to steal it later, (investigating the ghost mystery of the fathers death in between) and managed to botch the dexterity roll and destroyed the statue, but did manage to lie their way out of it when a guard came over!

On the way out they were attacked by a Bonerly, which they decided was made of their own sculpture. Combat went great – challenging but not life threatening!

It also inspired me to make some more art, so over so great progress! Looking at all the work that’s going into this and what other RPG manuals go for I’m realising that I was low-baking it too much, I’m thinking £20 on here with a special kickstarter price of £5.

Until next time!

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