Campaign the first, update 2

We’re now two sessions into my first See Creatures campaign as an Ocean Master and the players are really settling into their roles!

We had some great roleplay recently where one player (J’pol – a box jellyfish entertainer pretending to be an immortal jelly) had an exchange with a shop keeper (La’hana), they were trying to convince them that J’pol had started the rumour amongst humans that peeing on their own leg was the cure for jellyfish stings while Inkling (an octopus rogue) stole a bag. The players are currently on a mission to earn enough respect in the community so that they can get access to Wode – a hallucinogenic plant that’s not illegal, but is a restricted substance. They sniffed it out almost immediately and are on a mission to obtain some, which has led them to helping out a citizen with an object retrieval.

This has led me to tie in our first festival: The Day of Arrangement. I, honestly, didn’t have a plan for introducing each festival in terms of session mapping, this was just the most convenient one to start off with and one of the ones I’m most interest in! I’ve planned some of the session (I have a week and a half to iron out the rest) and I’m looking forward to throwing some challenges and mysteries at them.

I think from here on out I have a rough plan to do a festival every 3 sessions, give or take. Depends on how many days have gone by, what mission the party are on, and if they’re in the city.

Looking forward to updating about how the Day of Arrangement goes!

Other highlights: J’pol bombing a comedy set, the party hate Layni (a very suspicious tunicate), they saw Gullulian (krill/krillself) but haven’t spoken to krill yet, they did a great job helping out Be’ton (they/them) at the Bar Below, and they named their mascot (a stone cat) Ass (a dice roll decided that Ass liked that name).